The A-train Rail Trail runs alongside DCTA’s A-train commuter rail line, and was designed to complement its surroundings and adjacent facilities. The 19-mile trail is part of the agency's ongoing efforts to provide safe, customer-focused and efficient mobility solutions to Denton County. It connects existing transit facilities with key destinations within DCTA's member cities – Denton, Lewisville and Highland Village - and surrounding areas.
Pedestrians and cyclists can enjoy a safe and fun travel experience on DCTA's A-train Rail that connects all five A-train stations from the Downtown Denton Transit Center (DDTC) all the way to the Hebron station in Lewisville. The A-train Rail Trail is a viable amenity for biking, walking, running and other exercise activities with beautiful, scenic views.
While traveling on the trail, you also have the option to take a break and ride DCTA's A-train for a different mode of transit to get to your destination.
See how the A-train Rail Trail fits within the DFW trail system in the North Central Texas Council of Government's Regional Trails of North Texas brochure.

Quick Snapshot of the A-train Rail Trail
- Length of A-train Rail Trail: The entire trail is approximately 19 miles and connects from the DDTC and all the way to the Hebron station in Lewisville.
- Completion Date: The A-train Rail Trail was officially completed on December 30, 2019.
- City Parks Included in Trail: The Denton Branch Rail Trail, Lewisville and Highland Village trails are incorporated in the A-train Rail Trail system.
- A-train Rail Trail Pocket Guide/Map: Click here to download the A-train Rail Trail pocket guide.
A-train Rail Trail Amenities
- The trail has rest areas with benches and trash cans in some areas.
- DCTA received community enhancements for landscaping and benches in the Denton portion of the
A-train Rail Trail. - Z crossing fencing for the safety of cyclists, riders and all those who use the rail trail. The purpose of the z crossing fences that were installed is to get cyclists to dismount, look both ways and walk their bikes across the rail tracks. This is a recommended safety feature by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). DCTA plans to install more z crossing fences at specific crossings and will continue to keep all rider feedback received about the fencing design for consideration in future installations. In addition, DCTA plans to install reflective surfaces on the fencing to help with visibility.
Parking and Rail Trail Access
Access to the rail trail is available from DCTA's five A-train stations (from north to south):
- Downtown Denton Transit Center (604 E. Hickory St. Denton)
- MedPark station (3220 MedPark Dr., Denton)
- Highland Village/Lewisville Lake station (2998 N. Stemmons Freeway, Lewisville)
- Old Town station (617 E. Main St., Lewisville)
- Hebron station (952 Lakeside Circle, Lewisville)
Bikes are allowed on the A-train. For more information about bringing your bike on the A-train visit our Bikes and Transit page.
A-train Rail Trail Construction through the Years
- Phase One: The original nine miles of the trail (Denton Branch Rail Trail), from the DDTC to Swisher Road, was completed in conjunction with the A-train construction in 2011.
- Phase Two: DCTA completed the four miles from the Hebron station to Mill and Jones in downtown Lewisville in 2016 (phase two of the first section). The trail from the Highland Village/Lewisville Lake station to downtown Lewisville was completed at the end of December 2019.
- Phase Three: The portion of the trail between Swisher Road and the Highland Village/Lake Lewisville Lake station (which goes over the Lewisville Lake) was completed in summer 2018 by TxDOT during their Interstate 35E expansion construction.
How the Rail Trail was Funded
- The final construction cost for the trail was approximately $14 million.
- Phase one of the trail was funded with local money in conjunction with the construction of DCTA’s A-train commuter rail line.
- Phase two of the trail was funded by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) grants administered by the TxDOT, Denton County, the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) and DCTA.
- Phase three of the trail that is above Lewisville Lake was constructed with Interstate 35E project funds.